Cornell University

Hazing Fact Sheet Collection

The following collection of fact sheets is still being developed.

Your patience is appreciated as we add to the list.

Hazing topics

Alcohol & Hazing: Liquid Bonding (pdf)

Reviews the role and risk of alcohol in hazing

Alternatives to Hazing (pdf)Includes ideas for creating bonding and group cohesion without hazing 

Hazing 5Rs Exercise (pdf)

Includes five ways to reduce the risk of hazing in activities conducted by groups, teams, and organizations

Hazing Prevention Model (pdf)

Highlights Cornell's comprehensive public health approach to hazing

How to Help a Friend (pdf)

Provides tips on starting a conversation and resources for support and reporting

Thinking About Joining a Group? Consider This (pdf)

Offers important questions about the initiation process and group expectations

See also ...

You may also be interested in printing the latest poster from our hazing prevention social norms campaign.