Cornell University

2008-2009 Academic Year

Below are the reports of Cornell hazing violations that occurred during the indicated academic year. To read the details, simply click on the name of the group, team, or organization below and open the corresponding report.

Fall 2008

Delta Gamma Panhellenic Council chapter

Description: The OFSA received the following reports from the hazing website regarding Delta Gamma Sorority on November 24, 2008 and another on December 9, 2008 regarding an event that took place between senior members of Delta Gamma and the 2008 new member class in an apartment located in Collegetown occupied by members of Delta Gamma. The 2008 new members of Delta Gamma were lured into attending the event by being told they had to attend a meeting to discuss recruitment. The 2008 new members were blindfolded and taken to a house in Collegetown where they experienced activities that violate the University’s Anti-Hazing Policy, which included intimidation, aggressive alcohol consumption, verbal abuse, and skits. At the end of the event, some of the new members were taken back to the chapter house. Several of these women had so much to drink they were vomiting. Some were reported as barely coherent, and unable to care for themselves. An ambulance did respond to the chapter house, and EMTs evaluated several 2008 new members for their level of intoxication. The 2008 new members were not transported and were left in the care of friends. 

Outcome: The University and Greek community view this behavior as a clear violation of both the Anti-Hazing policy, and the Fraternity and Sorority Expectations for Membership. The events described are exceptionally dangerous, threaten both the physical and mental wellbeing of those involved, and are found to be completely unacceptable. Therefore, in order to rehabilitate the members of the chapter, and to appropriately respond to these behaviors we have mutually agreed to the following sanctions, which are consistent with the outcomes of similar violations in the recent past: 

  • The chapter will conduct a retreat, to be facilitated by someone with experience, which will include discussions on the following topics: positive sisterhood, appropriate and positive new member education. The retreat should include all members and be designed to welcome the newest members in a positive atmosphere. This retreat must be approved by the National Executive Office and the OFSA prior to the date which it occurs. Must be completed by April 30, 2009.
  • The chapter must present a detailed new member education plan, making use of the Delta Gamma National models available. Which will be implemented for the Spring 2009 semester. The plan must be approved by the National Executive Office and OFSA. Must be completed by January 16, 2009.
  • The chapter will sponsor, or co-sponsor an anti-hazing/pro-sisterhood workshop for the community. Must be completed by February 15, 2009.
  • The chapter will participate in the University compliance program as a result of hazing activity. Must be completed no later than February 1, 2009.
  • The chapter will review internal policies and procedures to determine ways in which it can prevent this kind of activity in the future. Must be completed by February 15, 2009.
  • The chapter president must meet with the OFSA Panhellenic Advisor at least once each month to discuss progress, through December 2009.
  • The chapter is given 4 weeks of social probation, to end February 16, 2009.

The chapter is placed on Disciplinary Probation, effective immediately, and to conclude May 31, 2011.

Spring 2009

Kappa Alpha Theta Panhellenic Council chapter


The OFSA received complaints that were part of Kappa Alpha Theta's Big-Little week in which inappropriate activities were planned for a few of the newest members of the chapter by their Bigs. 

Men were asked by Bigs to perform inappropriately for their Littles in group settings.

At least one Big arranged a "tuck-in" and book reading for a Little. This consisted of approximately three men, known by the little, coming to her room before bedtime and reading her a story.

As part of the Big-Little week at least one new member had her academic class interrupted. Someone, on behalf of her big, interrupted her class to announce that her Big loved her. The new member was then reprimanded by her professor after class for the incident.

At least one little had performed a "princess walk." During her walk to class a male friend threw glitter down in front of her. She wore a tiara and had a sign held above her stating: "My Big Loves Me."


  • The chapter will participate in the University compliance program as a result of hazing activity. Must be completed no later than October 1, 2009.
  • The chapter will review internal policies and procedures to determine ways in which these kinds of activities could be prevented in the future. This should be done during an Executive Board or Chapter Retreat which must involve either a representative from the OFSA or Kappa Alpha Theta National Fraternity. Must be completed by November 1, 2009.
  • The chapter must present a detailed new member education plan, making use of the Kappa Alpha Theta National models available. The plan is to be implemented for the Spring 2010 semester, and must be approved by the National Executive Office and OFSA. Must be completed by December 1, 2009.
  • The chapter must create and implement a Big Sister educational training. This training must be completed by all Bigs before the start of Formal Membership Recruitment. Little Sisters must also receive training on the issues of hazing within the first two weeks of the new member program.
  • The chapter president must meet with the OFSA Panhellenic Advisor at least once each month to discuss progress through April 2010.

Pi Delta Psi Multicultural Greek Letter Council chapter


Hazing allegations were reported to Cornell University and Sigma Nu Fraternity, Inc. on March 26, 2009. The allegations violate the University Anti-Hazing Policy, and the Fraternity and Sorority Expectations for Membership. Based on a thorough review of all information provided, we found the following to have occurred based on the preponderance of the evidence: 

An event took place during which the new members performed calisthenics for approximately two hours in the fraternity house. The calisthenics were led by members of the chapter and included such things as sit ups, jumping jacks, and pushups.

The chapter held an event called "hell week." During the course of three nights, the new members dressed in suits they purchased from the Salvation Army. The new members individually recited a "poem" in front of the brothers and were sprayed with water from a hose while doing so.

The new members performed a pledge raid, which is an activity where they tried to "steal" the "pledge mom," from the chapter facility. When they were unsuccessful, they were taken to perform the above mentioned calisthenics.

The new members participated in an activity called "pledge enrichment." During this event the new members were in the basement of the house and were taped together with masking tape. There was one case of beer (30 cans per case) placed in the basement for each new member, thus there were approximately eleven cases of beer present that night. New members were encouraged to consume all the beer that was in the basement with them. 


  • The chapter must host an alcohol education program presented by a representative from Gannett Health Center or an OFSA staff member. 80% of the chapter (active and new members) must be in attendance. Must be completed by November 30, 2009.
  • The chapter will sponsor or co-sponsor an anti-hazing workshop for the Greek community. Must be completed by February 15, 2010.
  • Each member of the new member class in the fall 2009 and spring 2010 academic year will have an individual meeting with Kara Miller, Assistant Dean of Students. Must be completed by November 1, 2009 and March 1, 2010, respectively.
  • The chapter will invite Travis Apgar, Associate Dean of Students, to their house to speak to them about their recent transgressions and how to move forward in a positive way. Must be completed by September 30, 2009.
  • The chapter president will meet with Kara Miller, Assistant Dean of Students, once a month during the 2009-2010 academic year. The chapter is placed on Disciplinary Probation, effective immediately, and to conclude May 31, 2012.

Sigma Nu Interfraternity Council chapter


The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs (OFSA) received an anonymous report on April 26, 2009 that new members of Pi Delta Psi were hazed.

New members, or inductees, were told to shave their heads and wear uniforms.

An intoxicated new member was videotaped being verbally quizzed and spoken to in a harsh manner. The recording was posted online. The individual was obviously highly intoxicated and was vomiting. It was determined that this incident occurred during the new member period; this was in fact one of the new members of the fraternity; and the participants in the video were current or recently graduated members of the fraternity.  


  • Pi Delta Psi is placed on Provisional Recognition Status immediately, and for a period ending no sooner than December 31, 2010. As a condition of future University Recognition, the chapter shall complete all additional requirements and recommendations provided below in a timely manner and as detailed.
  • The chapter house utilized by Pi Delta Psi, located at 124 Triphammer Rd., and all fraternity activities, will be alcohol/drug free beginning immediately and concluding at the end of the fall 2010 semester.
  • The chapter will work with staff in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs and their national fraternity officers to develop a member education process completely free of all forms of hazing, to be completed and approved by a representative of the OFSA before the chapter may conduct any form of recruitment, new member education, or initiation.
  • The chapter will work with the staff in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs to develop a plan to educate all members on the Event Management Guidelines, good risk management practices for events where alcohol may be present, and the dangers of alcohol abuse, to be completed by March 31, 2010.
  • The chapter president will meet with a designated member of the staff in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs once a month during 2010 to discuss updates and review recent chapter behaviors and community involvement.