A social event took place at the Pi Kappa Alpha "Pike" fraternity house, located at 17 South Avenue beginning in the evening hours of January 21 during which the Greek Event Management Guidelines pertaining to properly identifying attendees under 21 years of age, serving alcohol to persons under 21 years of age, designating one point for the distribution of alcohol, and properly monitoring the distribution of alcohol, were not followed.
Approximately 30 first-year students, under the age of 21, were invited by members of Pi Kappa Alpha to the house that evening for an unofficial rush/recruitment event. Alcohol, including liquor, beer and wine, was present in large quantities and made available to all attendees. A drinking game called "bounce" was played with the sole purpose of consuming large quantities of wine. A number of attendees reported that they felt uncomfortable because of considerable pressure to consume large quantities of alcohol that night. As a result of the drinking activities, three of the freshman students were transported to Cayuga Medical Center. Two of the three were considered in serious medical condition by the medical staff.
University recognition of Pi Kappa Alpha was withdrawn, as per the Cornell University Recognition Policy. The loss of University Recognition will remain in effect for four years. If, on or after January 1, 2012, the organization (alumni organization, national staff, and alumni volunteers) completes all of the expectations to gain Provisional Recognition, the University will consider allowing the fraternity to begin to colonize at that time and the University will consider recognizing the fraternity again.
The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs (OFSA) received several reports from both and the Ivy Gate website about Alpha Delta Phi hazing new members. There was an email sent by a member of the pledge class that gave the new members a list of items that they were told they must get and be ready for "lineup" that evening at 9:10 PM. There was also a report detailing the events of that evening.
Alpha Delta Phi received three semesters of disciplinary probation that will end at the start of spring semester 2012. The chapter must hold educational sessions on Event Management Guidelines, Anti-hazing, and proper care of house and grounds. At least eighty percent (80%) of the chapter must be in attendance.