Cornell University

2010-2011 Academic Year

Below are the reports of Cornell hazing violations that occurred during the indicated academic year. To read the details, simply click on the name of the group, team, or organization below and open the corresponding report.

Fall 2010

No groups, teams, or organizations were found in violation during this semester.

Spring 2011

Psi Upsilon Interfraternity Council chapter


On April 3, 2011, the OFSIL received a report from the website involving the Psi Upsilon fraternity.  The initiation "hell week" included having the pledges by confiscating their cell phones, sleeping for the week on the floor of a squash court, not allowing them to wash for a week, not allowing them to attend athletic team practice, running several miles in the cold and understanding initiation should have been completed by this time.

On May 31, 2011, the OFSIL received an anonymous report that Psi Upsilon required their new members take a road trip to New York City sometime in the spring semester to take part in some form of scavenger hunt for inappropriate items, including pornography.   


The chapter has been found to be in violation of the University Anti-Hazing Policy by the Greek Judicial Board in both of these cases, and as a result:

  • The chapter was placed on one year of disciplinary probation (through Spring 2012).
  • The chapter received four weeks of social probation.
  • In addition, the chapter was required to educate their chapter on the new member education program they developed with an Assistant Dean of Students, from the OFSIL, in attendance.

Pi Kappa Phi Interfraternity Council chapter


On April 13, 2011 the OFSA received a CUPD report regarding Pi Kappa Phi from an event at Bailey Hall. A Cornell Police Officer observed an individual leave a suspicious item (determined later to be innocuous) outside of the building. Much later in the night, the Officer observed a different male come looking for the item. The events seemed to be connected to some form of scavenger hunt the associate members were required to take part in.


The chapter has been found to be in violation of the Anti-Hazing Policy. The Greek Judicial Board determined this to be a level 1 hazing violation, and as a result:

  • The chapter received an official warning
  • The chapter must conduct a New Member Education training session through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. The training session must be completed before the end of the Spring 2011 semester, 80% of the membership must attend.

Alpha Gamma Rho


On March 30, 2011, the OFSA received a report from this website regarding Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) fraternity. A passerby had car trouble and needed gas so this person saw the door open and walked into AGR to ask someone for gas. The reporter could "hear loud music and yelling coming from the basement. All the Brothers in the room were yelling and had beers and maybe liquor bottles. Some of them were running around. They were drenched in sweat, red in the face, and panting badly.  They looked upset and fatigued, maybe forced to do workouts or something.  At least 16 students were believed to be pledges. They took me upstairs to help me. They looked very nervous so they must have been hazing."


The chapter has been found to be in violation of the University Anti-Hazing Policy. The Greek Judicial Board determined this to be a level 1 hazing violation, and as a result:

  • The chapter received and official warning
  • The chapter must conduct a New Member Education training session through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. The training session must be completed before the end of the semester (Spring 2011) and there must be eighty (80%) of the chapter in attendance.

Alpha Delta Phi Interfraternity Council chapter


On May 10, 2011 the University Fraternity and Sorority Review Board met to consider the recognition status of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. They were found responsible for the following hazing violations:

  • On February 18, 2011 the OFSA received a report from the website that Alpha Delta Phi was hazing their new members. The report included several emails between full members of Alpha Delta Phi which described their intentions to get the new members highly intoxicated and conduct what is referred to as a "line up."  There is clear indication in the emails that the new members were being deprived of sleep, deceived, intimidated, and verbally abused, if not physically.
  • At approximately 4:30 pm on Friday, April 1, 2011 a staff member drove down McGraw place past the Alpha Delta Phi Goat House and noticed a group of men standing around that building. They were dressed in suits and ties, with no weather protection. It was windy, raining, and cold. The temperature was in the upper 30s. There were around ten or twelve men spaced roughly ten to fifteen feet apart, standing at attention, encircling the Goat House, looking up at the building. Every few minutes all of the men moved simultaneously around the building to a new position and then resumed the above described stance. A witness contacted the OFSA to report the incident, and then informed CUPD. The witness observed the behavior for a few minutes as Cornell University Police and Ithaca Police arrived. The men quickly filed off the area by the Goat House and entered the Alpha Delta Phi chapter house.
  • On March 29, 2011, the OFSA received a report from this website stating that Alpha Delta Phi brothers were having "hell week" and hazing their pledges. They are on social probation at this time, also. 


The chapter has been found in violation of the Anti-Hazing Policy, and therefore not in compliance with the Fraternity and Sorority Recognition Policy. As a result:

  • The chapter was placed on Provisional Recognition status for 2 years (through spring 2013). Any further violations of university and/or Greek policies, the chapter will immediately be sent to the Fraternity and Sorority Review Board with the recommendation that the chapter lose its recognition for a period no less than four years.
  • The chapter must employ a live-in advisor, who will serve in an advisory capacity (on-going).
  • The chapter lost the privilege to host events with alcohol through spring 2012.
  • The chapter must review and revise the new member education process - due to OFSIL by December 15, 2011.
  • The chapter leadership must meet monthly with OFSIL staff for progress reports and organizational advising through the spring semester 2012.
  • The chapter must arrange a safety and risk management training with Ithaca Police/Cornell Police due by October 15, 2011.
  • The chapter may not host social events with alcohol unless they have completed all previous sanctions, passed an IFC-provided event management guidelines training, and have demonstrated the ability to manage an event through a simulation of each kind of registered event with alcohol.
  • The Review Board highly recommends that the alumni and national organizations conduct a membership review of each individual active member to evaluate whether each member should be allowed to continue holding membership in the fraternity. This is often a helpful tool in identifying those who do not wish to act responsibly.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Interfraternity Council chapter


The OFSA received a report from the Cornell University Police Department regarding an incident involving the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, located at 122 McGraw Place, on or about Feb. 25, 2011. The report share details of a joint investigation as follows:

  • Members/associate members of the fraternity took a member under their care as part of an activity of the fraternity.
  • While under the care of members/associate members, they provided alcohol and other substances to the member who was under 21 years of age.
  • While under the care of members/associate members, the member became incapacitated.
  • While under the care of members/associate members, the member was transported from a student residence to the fraternity house in a private vehicle.
  • Despite the members incapacitated condition, he was carried by members/associate members into the house where he was placed on a couch in the common area.
  • At this point, both members and associate members present were aware that the member was highly intoxicated and unconscious and placed his head to the side.
  • Even though the members and associate members recognized the condition the member was in, they failed to call for medical care and abandoned him at that time. He subsequently died. 


The Review Board finds that it was indeed both a function or activity of the organization and that it was hazing.

  • The University withdraws University Recognition immediately, per the Cornell University Recognition Policy for Fraternities and Sororities, for a period of no less than five years.
  • The chapter house must be vacated by March 31, 2011.
  • If Recognition is requested and approved at any point following the five-year period, the Chapter would remain on Probationary Recognition for a period of no less than three calendar years.