Cornell University

2004-2005 Academic Year

Below are the reports of Cornell hazing violations that occurred during the indicated academic year. To read the details, simply click on the name of the group, team, or organization below and open the corresponding report.

Fall 2004

Alpha Tau Omega, Interfraternity Council chapter


At the end of a gathering described by a prospective member as a "recruiting event" that included drinking games, ATO brothers blocked the door and escorted the students to the basement of the chapter house. The brothers instructed the students to remove their wallets and shirts. The brothers repeatedly said, "You don't want to leave yet!" and proceeded to play a drinking game called a "So Co Rally" in which 400 shots of Southern Comfort whiskey were divided among the brothers and students in less than an hour. The prospective member consumed 15 shots in less than an hour and vomited. The brothers sprayed the students with beer and yelled at them. 


ATO was found by a university Review Board to be responsible for hosting an event that promoted dangerously high consumption of alcoholic beverages and that threatened the health and safety of the participants. The chapter will be on Probationary Recognition status until May 2006. The Board also required completion of educational requirements, development of a plan to avoid future incidents, and restrictions on alcohol in common areas for four months. The Board also supported an alumni decision to conduct a full membership review.

Spring 2005

Alpha Kappa Delta Phi, Multicultural Greek Letter Council sorority


The chapter engaged in "Take out" sessions in which potential new members received demerits for incorrect answers to questions; new members were made to do calisthenics; new members were required to obtain signatures daily from sisters, which often required finding these individuals late at night. 


A university Review Board found the chapter responsible for violating the anti-hazing policy. The chapter was placed on Probationary Recognition status pending completion of a series of requirements, including participation in the anti-hazing compliance program, revision of new member program, and development of internal standards. The chapter is not permitted to recruit a new member class until spring, 2006.

Delta Phi, Interfraternity Council chapter


On a late night in early April, eleven new members were stripped down to their underwear and sneakers. Their faces and bodies were then smeared with a mixture of Crisco, blue food coloring, and sprinkles. As part this annual “tradition,” the new members then ran through Collegetown and surrounding neighborhoods singing and making noise. 


The Greek Judicial Board hearing found that Delta Phi had violated the anti-hazing policy and Expectations for Membership. The chapter was required to participate in the anti-hazing Compliance Program, participate in the Greek Action for New Member Development group, and assist incoming freshmen on move-in day 2006. The chapter was also given a disciplinary reprimand. 

Lambda Phi Epsilon, Multicultural Greek Letter Council chapter


The OFSA received a complaint on April 26, 2005 from the hazing website that stated a new pledge of an Asian Fraternity who was under 21 was at his initiation, he was drinking, he blacked out, and while he was out, people continued to poor alcohol down his throat, his face and body were also written all over with black permanent marker. He was transported from his residence hall on Sunday night, the hospital informed him that his BAC was probably .56 at one time during this episode. On 12/20/05 the OFSA received additional information from a community development staff member corroborating the details of the alleged incident. 


The chapter is put on probation through December 2006. As such, the fraternity will be allowed to continue their intake process, but the process will be under scrutiny. The fraternity is to meet with the MGLC advisor every two weeks to describe intake practices through December 2006. At the end of the spring semester, the MGLC advisor will decide if the fraternity will be allowed to do intake and/or need to continue meeting bi- weekly next semester. 

The chapter will present a program to MGLC by May 2006 about each of the following:

  • Medical Amnesty Protocol
  • Alcohol Education (focusing on the importance of not binge drinking after a dry pledging period).
  • All members are required to attend one alcohol program run by Gannett before the initiation deadline each semester until December 2006. The chapter needs to modify their alcohol education portion of the member expectations program during pledging by May 2006. The Lambda 101 alcohol education program should occur no later than the fourth week of pledging. The chapter also needs to emphasize the proper and responsible use of alcohol the week before initiation (Lambda 102). The fraternity is required to discuss these programs with the MGLC advisor as they occur. The chapter must have a formal member expectation program addressing alcohol consumption as well as the importance of taking care of brothers by May 2006. A copy of this program must be sent to the MGLC advisor.