2022-2023 Academic Year
Below are the reports of Cornell hazing violations that occurred during the indicated academic year. To read the details, simply click on the name of the group, team, or organization below and open the corresponding report.
Fall 2022
No groups, teams, or organizations were found in violation during this semester.
Spring 2023
Delta Sigma Pi, pre-professional business fraternity
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS) received a report in the fall 2022 academic semester alleging hazing behavior by Delta Sigma Pi, Omicron Rho Chapter (DSP). A Formal Complaint was initiated, DSP was temporarily suspended, and an investigation was completed. After DSP failed to comply with the terms of the temporary suspension, the organization was put on notice of possible violation of additional Student Code of Conduct (Code) provisions.
Following an investigation, OSCCS and DSP agreed pursuant to Alternate Resolution that DSP engaged in activities that constituted 1) Collusion or Complicity, 2) Failure to Comply, and 3) Hazing, including the following:
- New members were expected to spend up to 80 hours per week on new member activities, including weekly case studies that included daily deliverables (e.g., presentations), sending detailed thank you letters to presenters, and completing brotherhood interviews.
- Specifically on bid night, new members were instructed to walk through Sage Hall while lined up with a hand on the shoulder of the person in front of them.
- New members received demerits if they failed to meet new member expectations (e.g., improper punctuation in emails, not responding to text messages quick enough, not sending thank you letters).
- After the temporary suspension notice was sent, new members were instructed by DSP brothers to meet at an off-campus apartment and were instructed to minimize the time commitment of the new member process and to provide false information about the merit/demerit system. New members were also required to delete information (e.g., text messages, photos) related to the new member process.
- After new members received requests from OSCCS to participate in investigative interviews, new members were instructed by DSP brothers to meet at an off-campus apartment and were given additional instruction on what information new members should share with OSCCS.
The Formal Complaint was resolved via the Alternate Resolution process. DSP accepted a finding of responsibility for violating the following provisions of the Code 1) Collusion or Complicity, 2) Failure to Comply, and 3) Hazing.
The following sanctions were imposed:
- Deferred Suspension through the end of the fall 2023 academic semester. If DSP violates the Code while on deferred suspension, it will be suspended for two academic years, effective immediately.
- DSP is restricted from recruiting new members during the fall 2022 and spring 2023 academic semesters. Additionally, DSP must complete educational steps to OSCCS’ satisfaction prior to being eligible to recruit new members in the fall 2023 semester:
- Identify a new Ithaca-based advisor
- Create a calendar of organization activity (meetings and events)
- All members are required to complete hazing prevention education and participate in a facilitated dialogue on the culture of hazing
- Create a hazing prevention workshop for the Pre-Professional Fraternity Council
- Create and implement a comprehensive recruitment and new member plan
The national organization of DSP, Campus Activities, and OSCCS will work collaboratively to provide ongoing support to the local chapter throughout the sanction compliance phase.
Sigma Phi Society, NY Epsilon Chapter
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS) received a report in the spring 2022 academic semester alleging hazing behavior by Sigma Phi Society, NY Epsilon Chapter. A Formal Complaint was initiated, and an investigation was completed. Following an investigation, OSCCS and Sigma Phi agreed pursuant to Alternate Resolution that Sigma Phi engaged in activities that constituted hazing, including the following:
- New members were expected to be at the fraternity house for extended periods of time beyond what would be considered reasonable for new member education and would reasonably impact a new member’s academics and personal well-being.
- Alcohol was present and made available to new members as part of the new member process.
- New members were responsible for completing brother interviews in a line up format.
- On bid day, brothers picked up potential new members, took their phones away and drove potential new members off-campus to an undisclosed location. At the time, in-person events for Bid Day were prohibited due to COVID-19 restrictions.
This Formal Complaint was resolved via the Alternate Resolution process. Sigma Phi accepted a finding of responsibility for violating the Hazing provision of the Student Code of Conduct.
The following sanctions were imposed:
- Deferred Suspension through the end of the fall 2023 academic semester. If Sigma Phi Society, NY Epsilon Chapter violates the Code while on deferred suspension, it will be suspended for two academic years, effective immediately.
- During the Deferred Suspension period, the fraternity will meet monthly with its assigned Sorority and Fraternity Life Chapter Coach.
- Sigma Phi Society, NY Epsilon Chapter agrees to complete the following educational steps:
- Hazing Prevention Education to be completed by 100% of its active members
- Creation of detailed and comprehensive New Member Education Plan that must be approved by OSCCS
- Creation of Internal Accountability Protocol that details how behaviors will be reported and addressed, including matters that must be reported to appropriate University offices.
The national organization of Sigma Phi, Sorority and Fraternity Life, and OSCCS will work collaboratively to provide ongoing support to the local chapter throughout the sanction compliance phase.