2012-2013 Academic Year
Below are the reports of Cornell hazing violations that occurred during the indicated academic year. To read the details, simply click on the name of the group, team, or organization below and open the corresponding report.
Fall 2012
Chi Psi Fraternity Interfraternity Council chapter
The Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living, received a report from this (hazing.cornell.edu) website that new members of Chi Psi Fraternity, during the Spring 2013 semester, were hazed by the members of the fraternity. Activities included menial tasks, including chores and other duties, which went above and beyond those expected of the general membership; favors for members, such as driving services; they were expected to spend a large amount of time in the basement of the house, where they sometimes ate meals, slept on hard surfaces, and were subjected to repeated loud music; and they were required to walk backward when going up stairs. The new members were required to travel to Chi Psi chapters on other campuses where they were demeaned and exposed to mentally/emotionally abusive treatment, including being pressured to consume a concoction of beer and pickle juice meant to mislead them to believe it was urine.
Effective on May 17, 2013, the University, through the Fraternity and Sorority Review Board, placed the Chi Psi Fraternity on provisional recognition status, which is a probational status, for a period of no less than four calendar years. Additionally, the chapter will work closely with the international fraternity and the Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living staff and their alumni to conduct appropriate educational programming and to develop an appropriate new member orientation process.
The fraternity will appear before the University Fraternity and Sorority Review Board in one year to assess performance and determine continued recognition.
In accordance with the recognition policy, it has been determined that this chapter may participate in Fall semester 2013 and January 2014 new member recruitment activities while on Provisional Recognition status, but as a condition of the Review Board's decision, the chapter will lose one day of formal recruitment in January 2014.
Delta Phi Interfraternity Council chapter
The Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living received an anonymous report from this (hazing.cornell.edu) website on March 1, 2013, regarding the Delta Phi fraternity which had orchestrated an activity involving students becoming new members of the fraternity, and a few current members. The activity was described as a "safari" in which the participants ran around the exterior of the house looking for characters placed in the yard while being sprayed periodically with a garden hose and yelled at by the organizers. This activity took place under winter weather-like conditions.
Effective April 27, 2013, the Greek Judicial Board placed the Delta Phi fraternity on disciplinary probation for a period of one calendar year. Additionally, the chapter will work closely with the international fraternity and the Office of Fraternities, Sororities and Independent Living staff and their alumni to conduct appropriate educational programming and to develop an appropriate new member orientation process.
In accordance with the recognition policy, it has been determined that this chapter may participate in Fall semester 2013 and January 2014 new member recruitment activities while on Disciplinary Probation, but as a condition of the Greek Judicial Board's decision, the chapter will lose one day of formal recruitment in January 2014.
Lambda Theta Phi Multicultural Greek Letter Council chapter
The Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living received an anonymous report from this (hazing.cornell.edu) website on Feb. 6, 2013, regarding the Lambda Theta Phi fraternity events that occurred on Nov. 4, 2012. The allegations of hazing involved "line-ups", not allowing new members to use public transportation, requiring uniforms to be worn at all times, forcing new members to shave their heads, and limiting the contact new members were allowed to have with people outside of the fraternity.
Effective on April 16, 2013, the Greek Judicial Board issued a Disciplinary Warning to the Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity. Additionally, the chapter will work closely with the Office of Fraternities, Sororities and Independent Living staff to develop an appropriate member intake orientation program.
In accordance with the recognition policy, it has been determined that this chapter may participate in Fall semester 2013 and January 2014 new member intake activities.
Phi Kappa Psi Interfraternity Council chapter
The Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living received a confidential report through this (hazing.cornell.edu) website on April 11, 2013 that indicated the chapter new members were required to continue the fraternity's pledge process beyond the university initiation deadline. New members were required to memorize historical information and recite the information for the brotherhood, and were asked to participate in a weekend-long-tradition in which they lead their friends and families to believe they will be hazed. Additionally, the chapter violated the terms of the Interim Suspension put in place on April 12, 2013.
Effective on June 4, 2013, the University placed the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity on provisional recognition status, which is a probational status, for a period of no less than one calendar year.
- The chapter will work closely with the international fraternity and the Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living staff and their alumni to conduct appropriate educational programming and to develop an appropriate new member orientation process.
- The fraternity will appear before the University Fraternity and Sorority Review Board in one year to assess performance and determine continued recognition.
- In accordance with the recognition policy, it has been determined that this chapter may participate in Fall semester 2013 and January 2014 new member recruitment activities while on Provisional Recognition status, but as a condition of the Review Board's decision, the chapter will lose one day of formal recruitment in January 2014.
Sigma Lambda Upsilon Multicultural Greek Letter Council chapter
The Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living received a report from an anonymous person(s) on February 6, 2013, regarding Sigma Lambda Upsilon and activities taking place during the fall 2012 semester. The reporter alleged that the new member process ended 8 days after the initiation deadline. Additionally, the report claimed that the new members weren't allowed to wash their hair, do anything "beauty-related," wear anything except an agreed-upon uniform, or socialize outside of academic related activities.
Effective on April 14, 2013, the Greek Judicial Board issued a Disciplinary Warning to the Sigma Lambda Upsilon Sorority as a result of incidents that occurred in the Fall of 2012 and Spring of 2013. Additionally, the chapter will work closely with the Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living staff to develop an appropriate member intake orientation program.
In accordance with the recognition policy, it has been determined that this chapter may participate in Fall semester 2013 and January 2014 new member intake activities.
Sigma Nu Interfraternity Council chapter
The Office of Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living received an anonymous report from this (hazing.cornell.edu) website on February 23, 2013, regarding an e-mail sent by Sigma Nu fraternity to their new members. The e-mail explained to the new members that there was an internal difference of opinion among the current membership regarding the date the new members would be officially initiated, some believing it should be immediately, but thwarted by an internal vote which meant they would continue following a "pledge" process, and it was unclear when it would end.
The email continues with language implying that the process ahead will be difficult and is likely to contain hazing activities run by the senior class. It goes so far to give them specific instructions of when to be at the fraternity house, that they are wait outside and bring with them various objects including a "jock strap, towel, change of clothes, running shoes, warm clothes, and boots." A separate part of the email instructs them to buy an old suit from the Salvation Army for an activity they would participate in at the fraternity house the following night. The instructions were specific that they should "not wear anything valuable."
Because this information was shared prior to the start of the listed activities, appropriate intervention was made on the part of the University, National Fraternity and Alumni.
Effective on April 7, 2013, the Greek Judicial Board issued a Disciplinary Warning to the Sigma Nu Fraternity as a result of an incident that occurred in the Spring semester of 2013 determined to be a form of psychological hazing. Additionally, the chapter will work closely with the International Fraternity and the Office of Fraternities, Sororities and Independent Living staff and alumni to conduct appropriate educational programming and to develop an appropriate new member orientation process.
In accordance with the recognition policy, it has been determined that this chapter may participate in Fall semester 2013 and January 2014 new member recruitment activities.
Spring 2013
Alpha Epsilon Phi Panhellenic Council chapter
On October 19, 2012, the Fraternity and Sorority Review Board convened to consider continued University Recognition of Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. Specifically, the Board reviewed alleged incidents involving the chapter, and/or the actions of students affiliated with the chapter, which occurred over the last several months.
The Review board found the following to be true based on the preponderance of the evidence: An activity referred to as "rotational(s)" did occur during the spring 2012 semester at off campus houses/apartments occupied by members of Alpha Epsilon Phi which was designed to create bonding opportunities for older members of the sorority to get to know the new members. The event included activities which the Board considers hazing and included expected alcohol consumption, and interactions that are considered by a reasonable person to be embarrassing or intimidating. These events, "rotational(s)" were also planned for the fall 2012 semester, when a member reported the activities through the hazing.cornell.edu confidential reporting mechanism.
The chapter has been found in violation of the Anti-Hazing Policy, and therefore not in compliance with the Fraternity and Sorority Recognition Policy. As a result:
- The chapter was placed on Provisional Recognition status for a period of no less than 2-years. The chapter will meet again with the Review Board in October 2013 and present their progress at that time.
- The chapter will work closely with the international headquarters staff to design and implement a total membership development program. The program will begin with an orientation of new members, and must clearly articulate how the chapter will offer continuous learning opportunities for members based on their developmental needs (OFSIL, AEPhi HQ can help define).
- The new member orientation program must be approved by the international organization and alumni advisor prior to being submitted to the OFSIL. The chapter must have OFSIL approval prior to the start of the program.
- The national organization must provide an on-campus staff presence for the 2013 recruitment and new member orientation periods in order to observe compliance with rules and advise the women on the proper implementation of their plan, and official sorority ritual and education.
- The chapter will work with the OFSIL and HQ to design a calendar of educational programs the chapter will host for members specific to alcohol awareness and abuse prevention, and hazing. In collaboration with the OFSIL and HQ, the number of events, and attendance requirements, will be determined.
Phi Sigma Kappa Interfraternity Council chapter
The Fraternity and Sorority Review Board convened on January 11, 2013 to discuss the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity's compliance with the expectations and requirements of the University's Fraternity and Sorority Recognition Policy, including two separate incidents of students being transported to the hospital for alcohol illness after imbibing at the Phi Sigma Kappa house, and one hazing related incident.
The Chapter held a social event on December 2, 2012 that was registered with the IFC as an alcohol free social. Later that night two female students required medical attention; one due to her level of intoxication, contributing to a fall, reportedly at the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity House located on University Ave.; the other was transported to the hospital for alcohol related illness after imbibing at the Phi Kappa Sigma House.
The chapter officers tried to manage the event by the rules, but were unable to due to a lack of commitment on the part of the members assisting. While they did not know specifics, they admitted that alcohol, including hard liquor, was being made available to party guests in the upstairs private living areas of the house by individual members. Eyewitness reports confirm a significant number of freshmen men and women in attendance of this event, and being provided alcohol.
On March 31, 2012 Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity provided alcohol to at least two female guests, who were later found intoxicated by CUPD. The women were both evaluated by EMS, one woman was transported to the hospital for alcohol related illness. Both women were provided alcohol, including hard liquor (vodka). The chapter indicated to the Greek Judicial Board that they had lost control of the event, as it was not supposed to be as large as it became.
On April 6, 2012 at approximately 4:00 AM, CUPD came to interact with (4) four students who were joining Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. They were driving back to campus after being sent on a scavenger hunt. These activities occurred after the University Initiation Deadline (April 1, 2012). The Greek Judicial Board found the chapter responsible for a Level 2 Hazing Offense.
The members of the Board found the chapter was not in compliance with the Fraternity and Sorority Recognition Policy. As a result:
- The University withdraws University Recognition immediately, per the Cornell University Recognition Policy for Fraternities and Sororities, for a period of no less than one year.
- The chapter may request recognition after October 31, 2013. If the request is approved, the Chapter will be granted Provisional Recognition status for a period of no less than two calendar years.
Tau Epsilon Phi Interfraternity Council chapter
The Fraternity and Sorority Review Board convened on December 17, 2012 to discuss the Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity's compliance with the expectations and requirements of the University's Fraternity and Sorority Recognition Policy. The following was determined:
A hazing incident occurred on October 21, 2012 at the Tau Epsilon Phi House, located at 306 Highland Rd., Cayuga Heights, NY. Three sophomore students engaged in the fraternity's pledge process were required by full members to consume a large quantity of alcohol, including hard alcohol, before participating in a sexually humiliating, mentally abusive, and physically dangerous activity (i.e., requiring them to remove all clothing except their underwear and then perform an activity during which the underwear could be forcibly torn off). During the night two of the three students began to exhibit signs of an alcohol related illness and physical distress. The chapter President, who was studying on campus, was contacted and asked to return to the house. Upon arrival, he assessed the situation and immediately contacted 9-1-1 to provide medical help to the students in distress
The Board finds that the chapter has failed to fulfill all of the expectations and requirements of the Recognition Policy. As a result:
- The University withdraws University Recognition immediately, per the Cornell University Recognition Policy for Fraternities and Sororities, for a period of no less than (4) four-years.
- The chapter house must be vacated by current occupants and all members of Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity following the Spring 2013 semester.
- If Recognition is requested and approved at any point following the four-year period, the Chapter would remain on Provisional Recognition status for a period of no less than two calendar years.