Cornell University

2007-2008 Academic Year

Below are the reports of Cornell hazing violations that occurred during the indicated academic year. To read the details, simply click on the name of the group, team, or organization below and open the corresponding report.

Fall 2007

Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Multicultural Greek Letter Council chapter


A new member education event took place at an on campus location (Goldwin Smith), in the very late night hours, that involved current sisters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi and aspiring members. The aspiring members were given a 10-minute notice to arrive at the said location and were orally quizzed about chapter history and/or facts, in a harsh manner, over the course of a couple of hours. The current sisters of the organization told the aspiring members to look at a back wall while completing an oral quiz, and not to look at them, as if they were unworthy. The aspiring members were told to carry the following items in their bag at all times: water bottle; flashlight; four batteries; zip lock bag with at least 100 marbles; the book-The Color Purple; a purple bandana, hour glass; disposable camera; pledge book; purple pen; and 1lb bag of candy. They were then required to wear the backpack during the two hour oral quiz.

At least one potential new member was upset about the time and manner of the oral quiz.This potential new member contacted members of Alpha Kappa Delta Phi both before and after her voluntary termination of the membership intake process to express her concerns. The chapter failed to adequately address her concerns.


The Greek Judicial Board found the chapter responsible for violating the campus anti-hazing policy, and the fraternity and sorority community expectations for membership, and were sanctioned by the with the following: 

  • The chapter will undergo a workshop to increase the chapter members’ knowledge about the impact hazing, even non-physical forms. It is recommended that a Gannett specialist conduct the workshop. This workshop should include all of the chapter members (both old and new). The workshop must be approved by the OFSA regarding date, time, and content. Must be complete before any recruitment can occur in the spring 2008 semester. =
  • The Board is hereby issuing the chapter a formal disciplinary warning, which will remain active in your chapter’s disciplinary file for one calendar year.
  • The chapter must revise its new member education plan. The National Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi and the OFSA must approve the revised new member plan. Must be complete before any recruitment can occur in the spring 2008 semester.  

Kappa Kappa Gamma Panhellenic Council chapter


The OFSA received the following report from the hazing website regarding Kappa Kappa Gamma on August 27, 2007. Every new member pledge class for the past few years participated in mixers during the first week, including a "tour de franzia" January 30, "Cops and Robbers" January 31, "morning after" February 1, and "sake bombing" February 2, all events had rampant underage drinking as well as drug use. 

Every year after bid night the new members are invited to "bond" with the Kappa seniors at their house (last year at 403 Elmwood - off campus). They are told "not to dress too nice," and at the seniors' house are forced to chug Olde English 40 oz beers; two years ago one girl threw up and was forced to continue drinking, with the seniors yelling "Boot and Rally!" At some point in the night, chapter officers (President, Standards, Treasurer) come to the house and say that Kappa is in trouble because of something the new members have done, and that Kappa is being put on social probation. Last year, the treasurer took it so far that several of the new members were in tears. They then say that a "police officer" is at the door; he is actually a male stripper who then dances sexually with the new members, there are pictures on Facebook of a man in a green thong, this would be the "police officer." The girls are then kidnapped by members of a fraternity and taken to a new location where drinking continues. 


The Greek Judicial Board found the chapter responsible for violating the campus anti-hazing policy, and the fraternity and sorority community expectations for membership, and were sanctioned by the with the following: 

  • The chapter will conduct a retreat, to be facilitated by someone with experience, which will include discussions on the following topics: positive sisterhood, appropriate and positive new member education, and how the members can more actively include the mission and values of Kappa Kappa Gamma in the new member education process. The retreat should include all members and be designed to welcome the newest members in a positive atmosphere. This retreat must be approved by the National Executive Director and the OFSA prior to the date which it occurs. Must be completed by February 28, 2008. (This has been completed.)
  • The chapter must revise its new member education plan, making use of the Kappa Kappa Gamma National model available. The revisions must be approved by the National Executive Director and OFSA. To be completed by December 31, 2007. (This has been completed.)

The chapter is placed on Disciplinary Probation, effective immediately, and to conclude May 31, 2009.

Varsity Women's Soccer Team


The Dean of Students Office received a complaint in December about the upcoming Freshman Fun Night, an annual party postponed from pre-season. Earlier that week, when asked directly by the coach who heard of an upcoming team gathering, upperclass team members denied the party included underage alcohol consumption or any type of hazing activity. The email correspondence from upperclass women to first year students, however, directed the women to gather at a central spot and to bring or stop along the way to purchase condoms, bananas, Sharpie markers, white t-shirts, hair cutting scissors, and other supplies. Another message cautioned all not to post images on Facebook since the coach did not need to see the freshman chugging beers, wearing t-shirts that say “I am a slut, I love 69. I love sex.” An investigation conducted by the Department of Athletics and Physical Education and Office of the Dean of Students staff revealed that this party had occurred annually, and that in order to cause anxiety among the first year students, the email was written to convey that even more heinous activities than had occurred at past events. 


  • The seniors were removed from the team. Post-season locker room, strength and conditioning facility and other department access was denied and seniors were excluded from the team banquet, the department senior athlete banquet, and did not receive the senior athlete gift. (It should be noted that part of the seniors’ discipline was also based on an end of season incident where they consumed alcohol in the locker room.)
  • The team was placed on probation for one year. Any confirmed individual or group misbehavior would result in dismissal from the team.
  • Returning soccer team members participated in a significant training and education effort about hazing, teambuilding and other topics.
  • Hazing information and education will continue to be extended to all coaches and athletes on all other teams.

Spring 2008

Kappa Phi Lambda Multicultural Greek Letter Council chapter


In the spring 2008 semester the chapter conducted new member education activities that included forced calisthenics and other activities that took large amounts of time and interfered with the aspiring members academic pursuits. 


The Greek Judicial Board found the chapter responsible for violating the campus anti-hazing policy, and the fraternity and sorority community expectations for membership, and were sanctioned by the with the following: 

  • The chapter is placed on Disciplinary Probation through the completion of two intake processes or until Fall 2010, whichever comes first.
  • The chapter shall work with the OFSA to develop a presentation for the MGLC community about hazing.
  • The chapter shall work to revise its information sessions so that potential members are aware of the time commitment before choosing to join. 

The chapter shall work with Jarrod Cruz, Assistant Dean of Students in OFSA to review its intake calendar.