Cornell University

2014-2015 Academic Year

Below are the reports of Cornell hazing violations that occurred during the indicated academic year. To read the details, simply click on the name of the group, team, or organization below and open the corresponding report.

Fall 2014

Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.


On October 29, 2014, the Office of Fraternities, Sororities and Independent Living received a report of hazing involving Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. An investigation found that Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. had engaged in the following hazing behavior:

  • Intake participants were mandated to wear uniforms. The uniforms included gloves as well as the inability to wear certain colors for the entirety of the intake process.
  • “Social probation” occurred during the intake process contrary to OFSIL’s strict no “social probation” policy. (OFSIL policy defined social probation as: (1) not being able to socialize and/or speak with friends, family, professors, employers, etc. (2) not being able to attend social events such as parties, programs, etc).
  • Various forms of intimidation against the women participating in intake took place.
  • Greetings occurred, also contrary to strict OFSIL policies. (OFSIL policy defined greetings as: formalized and exaggerated ways in which current members are addressed (may include skits, songs, prose, etc.) that imply respect, admiration and/or appreciation).
  • While intake only lasted three days before being stopped due to receipt of the hazing complaint, it was found that pre-intake activities which were not consistent with OFSIL’s intake philosophy occurred. 


Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. was found responsible for hazing and placed on disciplinary probation for the Spring 2015 semester as well as Fall 2015. Additionally, a discussion with OFSIL and to include undergraduate members, alumnae, and National/Regional representatives to set expectations for any future intake process will be required.

Spring 2015

Sigma Pi Fraternity Interfraternity Council chapter


On Feb. 17, 2015, Sigma Pi members told stories to the new members of detailed hazing that had occurred in the past and the new members believed this could happen to them which caused significant anxiety and distress to the new members, and is thus, a large source of intimidation. The chapter is responsible for the actions of brothers and what they do and say to new members.


The Greek Judicial Board found the chapter responsible for Level 1 hazing. As a result, the chapter received an official warning that any future hazing violations would result in more serious outcomes; the chapter was required to create a new member plan that is safe, effective, and achievable; additionally, the chapter was to create and execute a policy on educating the general brotherhood on the new member education plan, as well as what constitutes hazing. The Board also officially endorses the education programs proposed by the chapter during the hearing, including the training by Sigma Pi Fraternity International's Executive Director.